Team - Hawks
  GP  W  L  T  GF  GA  PTS  GD  WP Calendar Sync
Fight Club 6501371216250.833
Goal Diggers 5410331512180.800
The Sharks 6420382112170.667
Marywood 623125147110.333
The Nighthawks 52212419750.400
Run Like the Winded 522111137-20.400
Tangers 514012273-150.200
X PLAYOFFS X 000000000.000
XOFH PLAYOFFS OFHX 000000000.000
Hawks 60607660-590.000
Hawks's Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
dom-ene 19   Fight Club R Hawks Rescheduled FIELD ONE DOME INDOOR RegularConolly
dom-ene 26   Hawks 1 - 9 The Sharks Complete FIELD ONE DOME INDOOR RegularIrwin
dom-feb 2   The Nighthawks 9 - 2 Hawks Complete FIELD ONE DOME INDOOR RegularDennis
dom-feb 16   Hawks 0 - 12 Marywood Complete FIELD ONE DOME INDOOR RegularGayoski
dom-feb 16   The Sharks 16 - 0 Hawks Complete FIELD ONE DOME INDOOR RegularGayoski
dom-feb 23   Goal Diggers 14 - 2 Hawks Complete FIELD ONE DOME INDOOR RegularGayoski
dom-mar 2   Hawks 2 - 6 Tangers Complete FIELD ONE DOME INDOOR RegularHolcomb
dom-mar 9   Run Like the Winded  v  Hawks 7:00 PM FIELD ONE DOME INDOOR RegularConolly
dom-mar 16   Fight Club  v  Hawks 7:00 PM FIELD ONE DOME INDOOR RegularDevins